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Japan’s demographic collapse points to grim future- Nikkei Asian Review

Irony here! The consequences of progress, development and resulting temporary middle class affluence has lowered birth rates and created a bulge of oldsters everywhere in the developed world.

The irony is that this bulge of people spending is masking the regressive consequences of progress and development for most people. Western economies are enjoying an artificially sustained level of demand because oldsters are able to continue purchasing and  paper over the underlying economic rot in globalizing, developing economies.

When today's bulge of oldsters totter off to their well-deserved oblivion, the final harm we have been orchestrating - the economic and political Armageddon already on the horizon,  will rush in.

But wait!  Will this grim business happen soon enough to prevent the alternative described by George Monbiot in Heat : the prospect of human beings cooking themselves and much else alive?

Japan's demographic collapse points to grim future- Nikkei Asian Review.

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