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Canadian professor Jordan Peterson takes on gender neutral pronouns – BBC News

Not just permutations and variations of  male/female identity are on the table, but the bi-sexual basis these  permutations depend upon.

As well, should 'they' become a way to refer to individuals repudiating such odious binary distinctions as he or she, the sense of singular and plural, one or many...  , could also be lost.

In a politically-correct future, we might even have to give up counting stuff.  This could have economic ramifications

Perhaps this is what quantum physics teaches: Like Schroedinger's cat, the people Professor Jordan Peterson is contending with may not have yet been observed, evaluated, measured... Until this boon is granted them, they really may exist in a multi-verse. If so, they really  can be referred to as they - at least until someone takes a look at what is going on.


A Canadian university professor has sparked a firestorm by refusing to use alternative gender pronouns

Source: Canadian professor Jordan Peterson takes on gender neutral pronouns - BBC News

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