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Canada and EU sign historic trade agreement during EU-Canada Summit | Prime Minister of Canada

Canada is committed to deepening trade and investment links with new and traditional partners. Negotiating trade agreements, such as the Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), will benefit Canadians, create new job opportunities, and help to grow the middle class and those working hard to join it.

Source: Canada and EU sign historic trade agreement during EU-Canada Summit | Prime Minister of Canada

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  1. The most efficient and wholesome trade occurs when organisms, including human organisms, produce something of value and consume it themselves. Any other arrangement must be argued for in robust, nuanced ways and global trade enthusiasts have not made their case in my opinion. First, there is the expensive business of transporting value from point of production to point of consumption.
    Then there is the issue of exposure to manipulation, harvesting by 3rd parties and outright theft.
    The fact that almost all of what human beings produce and consume is now mediated through markets and financial instruments, the fact that tomorrow’s well-being appears to depend upon this continuing, does not mean that we are getting this right.

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