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BBC News – Former Colne high school topless photo teacher banned from classroom

For a number of reasons, I group this incident with an  epidemic of politically-correct admonitions and practices.

When things are going south in a hurry, it is important for adults to  find ways to burnish their moral and prudential credentials. They often do so by keeping pets in  the lap of luxury, by being meticulous in  the way they speak so as not to offend anyone, and by operating uber-safe school buses and crossing guards at critical junctures.

All of these activities principally intend to  exculpate parents and grandparents from responsibility for the fuck-up that emerged during their watch.

With respect to the torment this student apparently endured, I would not have reported any such teacher to anyone. I would have been delighted to be so instructed.

What was this fellow thinking?  Did  the teacher not come up to the pornographic standards he was accustomed to?   Did he seize an opportunity to stick it to an establishment figure the way young people often do?  If so,  this is well and good.  We have all been there.

What is wrong is the way school boards and helicoptering adults seize every opportunity to make themselves important by diminishing the adequacy of common sense, community and natural  life.

Are  Burkas not lurking down this road?

BBC News - Former Colne high school topless photo teacher banned from classroom.

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