Tesla’s $3,500 Powerwall Will Let Households Run Entirely On Solar Energy!
The wait is over! Tesla announced a home battery and utility-scale battery that will power future homes.
Source: Tesla's $3,500 Powerwall Will Let Households Run Entirely On Solar Energy!
Magna Carta ‘changed the world’, David Cameron tells anniversary event – BBC News
Magna Carta went on to "change the world", Prime Minister David Cameron says as events marking the 800th anniversary of the document are held.
Source: Magna Carta 'changed the world', David Cameron tells anniversary event - BBC News
Jihad on Churches: Muslim Persecution of Christians, March 2015
"Destroying churches is permissible -- as long as the destruction does not bring harm to Muslims, such as false claims that Muslims are persecuting Christians...." — Dr. Yusuf al-Burhami, leading Salafi cleric, Egypt. "The children were isolated and put
Source: Jihad on Churches: Muslim Persecution of Christians, March 2015
Increased risk of schizophrenia if you had a cat as a kid: study | Toronto Star
Academics say your feline friend could put you at higher risk of mental health problems.
Source: Increased risk of schizophrenia if you had a cat as a kid: study | Toronto Star
Best Android Scanner Apps 2015 | How to Scan & Save as PDF
I often find myself in the situation where I need to scan an important document, but I have no scanner available at the time. The only thing that can help me in these cases is my beloved Android phone. There are tons of scanning apps out there. Most of them are free, but with in-app purchases […]
Source: Best Android Scanner Apps 2015 | How to Scan & Save as PDF
California Is Literally Sinking Into the Ground | Mother Jones
And it's going to cost taxpayers big time.
Source: California Is Literally Sinking Into the Ground | Mother Jones
Lost Brother in Yosemite – NYTimes.com
Dean Potter jumped. Graham Hunt followed. Potter’s longtime girlfriend snapped photographs. Then came confusion, hope and despair.
Sir Tim Hunt resigns from university role over girls comment – BBC News
A Nobel laureate resigns from his position as honorary professor at a UK university after making comments about the "trouble with girls" in science.
Source: Sir Tim Hunt resigns from university role over girls comment - BBC News
Foreign whiz kid endured homelessness to graduate top of class at U of T | Toronto Star
Talented young Vietnamese biologist’s scholarships ran out, but Canadian kindness came through.
Source: Foreign whiz kid endured homelessness to graduate top of class at U of T | Toronto Star